Poos and Babies

Did you know the same reflexes are working when we are giving birth and when we are having a poo? THE SAME!

And if you think about it a little it actually makes sense.....it is no surprise that a lot of babies are born in the bathroom...some actually right there down the loo bowl bless them! When we need to poo we go to a place where we are unobserved and safe. What happens when your kid starts banging on the door because they have spent 30 seconds without you and cannot cope any longer? Well things don't flow the way they should right? And worse still what would happen if an absolute stranger walked in and started watching you trying to do a shit? And even worse still,  started prodding around down there?

Why does my three year old know what the majority in our maternity system don't?

In our household we have recently being trying to crack the old toilet training and I was feeling chuffed that my youngest son, Eli was getting dryer by the day and having fewer wet accidents. Poos however...a totally different ball game! He would not do a poo in the toilet or in the potty. He would sit there and try but no "poo went to poo land". He kept going in his pants and no matter how much you adore being a mum, when you're faced with scraping shit out of a pair of pants, that's when motherhood is, well, shit.

Now, knowing all I do about birth it did not click. I was standing with him in the bathroom while he was trying to go. It took my wise boy to look up to me with his tiny face and say to me "Mummy go away. You will scare my poo away!". Now, I know we don't like to think of cute little babies as poos but you sure can scare a baby away too! At least, that is, scare the body into preventing the baby from descending. And with a baby, because the stakes are a hell of a lot higher than with a poo, and everything in you is working at keeping that baby safe, you are way more sensitive to outside stimuli than when you are having a poop. When I say 'scare' I'm not talking about all-over-shaking-white-knuckles-heart-pounding fear, although that is bound to do it! It can be the slightest thing: a light being switched on, an unfamiliar smell, a stranger entering the birthing room and yes, an unfamiliar environment.

For a lot of women being in hospital to give birth is the safest place to be but our birthing brain is ANCIENT. It does not know what the hell a hospital is! Our birthing brains instinctively respond to the small things as well as the big and can easily trigger a release of adrenaline to slow down or halt the process of labour because your birthing brain deems it unsafe for your baby to be born.

Poos and Babies. Who would have thought?!

Emma Culley-Morgan
Positive Birth Educator and founder of Awesome Mama Antenatal


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