
Showing posts from June, 2017

To You, Awesome One....

To you, awesome one, Everyone tells us we are not good enough...hell we tell ouselves that nearly every fucking day. Our body isn't thin enough, curvy enough, smooth enough, beautiful enough. Our eyebrows aren't shaped enough, our hair isn't glossy enough, our toenails aren't pretty enough. Our body isn't strong enough or healthy enough to birth. Our breasts are too sexual or not full enough to feed our babies. We are not enough. BUT FUCK THEM ALL. We are beautiful enough and wise enough and strong enough and full enough and everything else ENOUGH because we are power in human form. Our power is immeasurable, incontainable, brilliant and mesmerising. We make and grow humans....fucking wow. We birth our humans into the world ( in whatever way)........fucking wow. And we care for and raise our humans telling them all the time..."you are good enough"......fucking wow. Let's start celebrating just how awesome we are. And let u...

Say NO to Bullshit.

                ( This is you deflecting bullshit) For all new mothers and mums to be..... My message to you.... Say NO to the ridiculous expectations of society... Say NO to 'getting your flat tummy back' because that's what the media tells us we should do. Say NO to the worry of a messy house...just CHOOSE not to worry. Say NO to the thousands and thousands of opinions from others about how you should raise YOUR baby because people are seeking to validate their own views and choices ( it's their shit, not yours). Say NO to the neighbour who you've spoken to ONCE before about the bins but who now wants to visit the baby and stay for hours! Actually, say NO to visitors period if that's what you want. Say NO to being the "perfect" mother because THAT SHIT JUST DON'T EXIST. Say NO to putting on makeup if you just don't feel like it today. Or any day. Say NO to trying to prove to the world that you are 'loving every moment' ...

Birth and the Horror Monster

So I'm sure most of you have seen some Pregnant Comedies in your time. Most come out of Hollywood and follow similar paradigms such as a focus on the ( usually) boyfriend's unpreparedness for a baby, or rather what a baby symbolises about their life. The birth scene usually begins with mum's waters EXPLODING in a shopping mall or somewhere similar and an immediate rush to hospital as contractions are instantly unbearable. But has it ever occured to you how similar these birth scenes are to horror genre films? Think of how the birthing woman looks and sounds.....Red face, sweaty, angry expression, shouting at boyfriend and/or doctors and nurses. SHE IS OUT OF CONTROL. UNPREDICTABLE. SCARY. A MONSTER. In the horror genre it is often the case that for a female character to become powerful she must become a monster. You cant just be a woman and have power, oh no no no! You have to be craaaaaazzzzzy! Or  masculine. Sometimes both. Of course the comedy ( apparently, alth...

Stand up for Women and babies!

Did you know that if you are laying on your back your pelvis is up to 30% smaller in diametre than when you are upright? 30%....almost a third...that is a hell of a lot! How do they know this? Well there actually is evidence to support this. Research where x-ray scans were taken of women birthing upright and laying down and the pictures were measured. I always feel so incredibly grateful to all of these awesome women who have consented to being part of these studies for the benefit of all of us. Let us take heed of this message. I'll say it again...30%!!. Not only is your pelvis smaller, but laying flat on your back makes the line of your vagina angle upwards. A baby trying to get through a tight space....tavelling UP HILL! No bloody wonder so many women need help in the way of medical intervention when this is the position being promoted in many hospitals. And do not be fooled into thinking this is how it's always been done. It isn't. In fact there is a lot of evid...